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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For the first time in weeks I finally feel like myself again. I really missed me and I'm glad she is back. :) I think it's a combination of things. Over the last few weeks I've seen a lot of friends, new and old, for dinners and social events. Even though I've felt really down and just wanted to curl up by myself, I think getting out and socializing really helped my mood. We also finally took care of a bill related to my father's death. I'm not comfortable going into it here, but it's been worrying me for weeks and even though it really sucked to have to pay it, it's now taken care of and I don't have to think about it any more. A huge weight has been lifted. Lastly, I had a total of 9 days off from work and am just now back. Between weekends, the holiday and taking a few personal days for our mini-vacation, it was nice to have such a large block of time away from the office that was time for me. Not time that I had to be dealing with holiday madness or death arrangements or anything else. It feels like all of this stuff together finally got me back on the right track.

Jim and I spent our mini-vacay in Vegas (Yes, we're there all the time. Yes, we love it. Yes, we'll likely be back before the year is up. hehehe!) last week and it was great, save for the terrifying drive over the I-15 while it was technically "closed". :: shudder :: It deserves it's own post with the few pictures I managed to take, but until then, the short version is yummy food, yummier drinks, great evening with Vino and Spurs, spa-ahs and dance, dance, dance!

It always sucks to be home after a vacation, but I'm feeling really good. I have a new gym schedule worked out that I'm actually excited about. I've been cooking a lot more and we're eating out less. My DVR and google reader are still backed up, but I'm getting there. :) Basically, I'm back in my routine and it feels good. So, so good.

There are a few other blog posts brewing in my brain that I'll try to get to in the next few days. In the meantime, I'm around and kickin'. And feeling much better about it all.