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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Running Amuck

After spending the weekend eating and drinking our way through Vegas, I'm now in a stretch of a just crazy busy 2 weeks. It's one thing after another and there isn't time to stop and breathe, much less take photos of all the pretty things I've been working on. Sigh. Hopefully Sunday I can carve out a little time to photograph stuff - especially since it'll be back from the cleaners and the smokey haze of Vegas will have been removed. :)

In the meantime, I started a new sewing class last night - Introduction to Pattern Drafting - and yeah, it's freaking awesome! All of you advanced sewing bloggers make me drool with they way you can tweak and fit a pattern to your liking and I'm beyond thrilled to be starting down the path to learning all that fun stuff. The instructor really loves this series of classes so the class has an even peppier feel than usual. I've already signed up for Part 2, especially after hearing her thoughts on other pattern-drafting classes she'll be offering this summer, for which these intro classes will be requirements.

Okay, back to the mile-long to-do list and back soon with photos and stuff!


  1. can't wait to see pics of your trip to Vegas and what you've got cooking in the kitchen and sewing room :-)! xoxo.

  2. I'm so excited about your sewing classes!! I wish there were something like that around here. So fun!!!

  3. Can't wait to hear all about you class. Is it being offered through a university? What book are you using? Three years ago after almost 45 years of sewing I took a pattern drafting class - it revolutionized my sewing. I hope you love it as much as i did.

  4. Where did you stay in Vegas? I just got back and couldn't believe that the strip made Times Square look classy!

  5. I'm very envious of your pattern drafting class - that's something I'd really love to be taught by a real, live instructor rather than just looking in a book.

  6. Me too, envious of your opportunity to take this class. Keep us posted!

  7. pattern drafting is on my list of "sewing to-do"s! i'm glad to hear you're enjoying it. as always, you are my hero.

  8. This is great news;glas you are exciting and having fun.

  9. I'm envious of your talent in sewing!

  10. i can draft...things other than patterns. ;). sounds fun!
