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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Tap tap - is this thing still on? So, it's been a minute since I've updated this blog of mine. A new year brings all sorts of new goals and resolutions and 2018 feels like the year to revive this space. Since it's been almost 5 years (wow!) since I last posted, I thought I'd give a very fast update on what has been going on:
  • My oldest son is now 6 (!), in Kindergarten and just lost his first tooth. He is my mini-me through and through. He is a great kid, talks our ear off and wants to learn about everything.
  • I had another son in fall of 2014 who is now 3. He just loves life and attacks it with vigor! He started preschool this September and loves school and his teachers.
    My "babies" in mama-made shirts 
  • My husband and I celebrated 12 years of marriage in September (17 years together) and still really like one another! Lol With the help of some very generous grandparents, we still get out to Vegas 2x a year for some couple time and it's a great way to still feel like adults while raising young children.
    Christmas 2017 (in me-made shirt/skirt)
  • My sewing hobby took a backseat for a couple of years because having babies is not for the faint of heart, but I started sewing again with some purpose in summer 2016 and my sewing hobby completely exploded in 2017. More on that in a future post. ;)

So, I'm back!! I'm going to mostly keep this sewing related though I'm sure my family and other life stuff will bleed over from time to time, too. I'm geared up for an excellent 2018 and I hope you are, too!


  1. I'm glad this popped up on my reader today! Welcome back and can't wait to see your new sewing projects.

  2. It's good to see you back and I hope you keep us updated here. Instagram is nice but you can tell whole stories here. Will keep reading if you keep blogging!

    1. It's so nice to be back Carolyn! <3 I agree, you can only share so much on IG - it will be nice to expand on things a bit more over here. :)

  3. I’m so glad you’re back! You are very inspiring!

    1. Awww, thank you! Excited to be back and blogging this year!
