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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A good hair day everyday

I'm ashamed to admit that after I had my hair chopped into a short bob earlier this year, I just never got back to the salon to get it trimmed. So it kept growing and growing until it was past my shoulders. And there it's been, hanging limp and one length for several months. I finally got sufficiently annoyed with it and made an appointment with my regular stylist. She had been out on maternity leave and then working really short hours so I'd been seeing a sub, who I like, but it was nice to work with my regular gal again.

I'm not usually one to jump on the celebrity cut bandwagon. The cuts either wouldn't work with my hair or they're too trendy for me. However, after seeing Katie Holmes' new 'do on the October cover of Elle magazine, I sort of fell in love with it. And most importantly, I thought that it would actually work with my hair. My stylist hadn't seen the cover when it was first released, but after perusing it for a minute she declared that it would be a great cut for me. And added "Your hair is so boring right now, this will definitely pep it up!"

She chopped the hell out of it, but when it was done, I was in love. LOVE! The front has a ton of short and long layers right around my face. The back is stacked with a ton of layers cut into the rest of the hair. I have to use a thickening spray on it to give it a bit of body and for the hair to look styled, but that's a small price to pay for a cut I love this much. She also taught me how to use a flat iron to curl my hair. I have poker straight hair, so the idea of buying a flat iron is still hilarious to me, but it curls my hair better than any curling iron ever has.

I think my favorite thing about this cut is that it can be styled so many different ways - straight and spikey, turned under, flipped out and curled. I've never had this versatile of hairstyle - it's so fun!

I already have my trim appointment on my calendar. I forsee keeping this style for a long time!


  1. You're right - that haircut is fabulous on you!

  2. I think it's perfect for you! Katie Holmes who! That's the Amber cut from now on.

  3. totally fun, cute, and versatile. maybe if i have a baby the bear will let me cut my hair short again? not.

  4. You look great, Amber. I'm slightly jealous of your cuteness. ;)

  5. it's been said, but i know you can never get enough: you look fabulous!
