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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Peak 10 peaks again (and see me chat about the program!)

So, we're back from paradise. We had a fabulous time! Heck, I even have some pictures to share. However, real life slapped me in the face pretty much as soon as we landed, so I'll get around to posting a real Hawaii update this weekend. Oh, and a Self-Stitched September update, too. In the meantime, want to hear about one of the things that made coming home a bit easier? Sure you do! ;)

Peak 10, round 3 officially started while we were on vacation, but I joined the group last Friday. Almost all of my favorite gym friends are doing this round, which is really exciting. Even my brother is joining me this time - Suh-weet! He has been slowly working out with me more and more until it became apparent that he needed to just get a membership already and that led to him joining the Peak 10 group as well.

The workouts are proving to be just as tough and fun as the first two rounds. Although, can I just say that taking a full two weeks off means that those few classes back in the game are just brutal. Like, haven't felt this beat up in months, brutal. I think by this weekend my body will start to feel normal again, at least, I sure hope so!

While round 3 was getting off the ground, the first two DVDs were officially released and are now available for purchase! If you'd like to play along at home, why don't you pick them up and join me, eh? Either way, you should check out the website. There are previews of both videos (you can see me jumping around in the Cardio Intervals preview) and if you'd like to hear what I think about the program and my results take a look at the behind the scenes video. ;)

Our core group of Peak 10 folks are all doing this round and I'd say that we're all pretty dang motivated to just kill it this season. I've got some pretty lofty goals for the next 8 weeks, but I'm so excited to try and reach them. Bring on the crazy!!


  1. Welcome back and I am looking forward to the pictures from Hawaii!

  2. Can't wait to see your Hawaii pictures. Unfortunately, Hawaii is a little too far from reality.

  3. you're my hero girl! I'm actually pretty interested! Off to see the clips!

  4. Uh oh. I just ordered CARDIO STRENGTH after previewing. Now I have butt-kicking to look forward to when I get back from my vacation. (Hawaii is my reality, and I am looking forward to two weeks on the mainland!)

  5. Welcome home, can't wait to see a few holiday snaps!

  6. that is so cool! and watching just that preview makes me tired. and it looks like you need some coordination to do that. which i lack. i also lack a space to do a workout video, alas.

  7. i'm pretty much letting you do all the working out for both of us. heh.
