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Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Thanks for everyone's good vibes and thoughts and prayers. The bad news is that the situation didn't quite work out the way we had hoped, but the good news is that in retrospect, it actually worked out for the best. For now, we're taking a bit of a break from the crazy, trying to just get back to normal life for a minute and then will dive back into everything again in a week or so. There is still lots of other fun stuff going on though, so it's still never a dull moment in our house. :)

Looks like this weekend might actually be somewhat calm... or at least calm for me. Ha! And tomorrow, I get to swing by a local bridal shop to get fitted for a bridesmaid dress for Vino's wedding. We all know bridesmaid dresses can be scary, but this one is a pretty style in a pretty color, so I'm really excited to wear it for the wedding and likely afterwards as well.

Happy Hump Day everyone!


  1. Everything always works itself out, one way or another :)

    Have fun getting fitted!

  2. whee! i love weddings so much.

    i'm glad things worked out for the best. ;)

  3. such a cliche, but everything really does happen for a reason...especially in this situation. ;)

    crossing my fingers for the next opportunity!

  4. Fun things are ahead. Yipee! Sorry the situation didn't work out.

  5. All this vagueness! Am I the only one not in the loop?

    Well, I'm glad that it worked out for the best.

  6. Also out of the loop, but so happy to hear it all worked out. :)

  7. I firmly stand behind everything I said yesterday and seriously my head hurts from all the positive energy I'm sending you.

  8. Silver lining! Silver lining! I love your attitude Amber =)

  9. outside loop but thinking of you :)

  10. Glad it all worked out well...hope you can find some time to relax in the near future!

  11. Yay for tasteful BM dresses! That's always one thing to be thankful for.

  12. Sorry things didn't work out, but it sounds like it was for the best!
