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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whoop, what?!

I've been sick as a dog for 16 days and counting. I cough all day and all through the night, I have upper-respiratory infection symptoms and I'm not sleeping because, well, I can't stop coughing. Trip to the urgent care didn't do anything and I'm exhausted because I can't stop coughing long enough to get a full night's sleep. My boss is back from vacation, took one look at me, heard my symptoms and pretty much thinks I have Pertussis, aka Whooping Cough. Eff me. This damn cough could go on for WEEKS! WEEKS people! I'm trying to get my dr. to call in a prescription for a Z-pack and maybe some chemoprophy for Jim. I'm exhausted, I miss my routine and I miss my sleep. So far, 30 hasn't been much fun. :(


  1. So. Awful. I really hope that by some miracle it goes away for you very soon and that J doesn't get sick too. Hugs friend.

  2. What?! is right! I'll say a prayer that it's not Whooping Cough!

  3. As I was reading I kept thinking "This girl needs a Z-pack!" Have my fingers crossed you'll get one soon. Are you taking an expectorant until you get it? I find them more helpful than cough suppressants. And as always, I live by the home remedies of ridiculous amounts of sleep and fluid - even if that means popping a Nyquil or Simply Sleep just to knock yourself out.

  4. Oh my goodness! I hope you feel better soon.

  5. I am sorry. That sounds miserable. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Oh no! I'm hoping you get some relief soon.

  7. :( I hope you feel better soon.

  8. I'm hoping that by now you are on the mend. Or at least have a six-pack from using your stomach muscles so much while coughing.

  9. knowing that you're still dealing with this right now makes me eve sadder to read this post.

    h+p, my friend
